Differences between a bath and a sauna

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Often the words “bath” and “sauna” are used as synonyms, and, indeed, there are many similarities between them. But the difference is also there, and quite significant. Those who do not understand the differences between baths and saunas may be upset if they mistakenly choose the wrong type of relaxation. We offer to figure out what is the difference between them and why bath and sauna procedures are far from the same thing.

What are the differences between baths and saunas?

There are only 3 main criteria that show their differences:

  • temperature;
  • air humidity;
  • Organization of the process.

Sauna is hotter and drier. The air temperature is approximately +100°C, and its humidity is 15. The heating stones are located outside the room, which allows for increased dryness. Low humidity just makes it possible to feel comfortable with high thermometer readings. Moreover, modern sauna complexes are equipped with electric stoves, on which stones are laid out. This approach makes it possible to regulate the heating of the air even without adding water.

The bath is less hot with moist air. It maintains the temperature at a level of approximately + 60 … + 70 ° C, but the humidity is increased to 90% or even more. The organization of heating allows achieving such parameters: hot stones are in the room, and water is periodically poured on them. Accordingly, the main effect is achieved with the help of steam. If we are talking about taking a steam bath in the steam room, then we mean exactly the bath.

Air parameters also affect the organization of the process. There are no activities in the sauna due to the high temperature: visitors only lie down and relax, without getting up from the sunbed once again. But in the bath it is customary to use a bath broom, periodically leave the steam room, plunge into the font. Only then is it time to rest.

What to choose: bath or sauna?

Based on their differences, everything is simple. Do you want to take a steam bath under hot steam, do a broom massage and spend time actively? Choose a bath. Do you want to just lie down and relax? Then the sauna is the best choice for you.

At the same time, the body tolerates bath rest better due to high humidity and relatively low temperature. Sauna, on the other hand, is more extreme leisure, and is more suitable for trained people who tolerate dry hot air perfectly.

By the way, both options go well with fonts , which are so nice to plunge into after a hot steam room. And if you have contraindications for bathing or sauna rest, then a wood-fired spa will be an excellent alternative. Bathing in warm water in the fresh air will not harm anyone, but on the contrary, it will help improve health and get complete relaxation.

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