The health benefits of hydromassage baths have long been known: a lot of literature and scientific reports have been published on this issue. Hydromassage baths offer a special kind of hydrotherapy. They are an artificial imitation of natural hot springs, which not everyone can visit.
With the help of hydromassage, which is equipped with many modern wood-burning baths, you can imitate the beneficial effect of hot springs in ancient thermal resorts, combining heated water with massage jets.
Benefits for the body
Immersing your body in water heated to a comfortable temperature improves blood circulation – it helps heal muscle injuries, lowers blood pressure, helps prevent headaches and effectively fights insomnia and stress.
The hydromassage effect helps to remove waste and toxins accumulated in your body through sweating. Immersion in water reduces the total weight of the body, which helps to reduce the load on joints, tendons and muscles.
The therapeutic effect of hydromassage has long been described in specialized medical literature. Massage jets help to relax muscles and joints, and constant procedures in the hydromassage bath help to improve blood sugar control.
Procedures in the spa bath make it possible to control body weight by burning excess fat. Massage with warm water causes the body to release endorphins – “happiness” hormones that improve well-being and reduce stress.
Medical indications
Hydromassage baths are one of the elements of prevention and treatment of many chronic diseases, including:
- arthritis;
- stress;
- sleep disturbance;
- diabetes;
- pain in muscles and joints.
Of course, before using such a technique, it is better to consult with your attending physician.